Somewhere in some far off land, some girl, blind but now can see
took my life in her hands and destroyed it because she wanted eyes.
Did she say thank you or please, no, so inside she is bitter,
outside she is still blind to the world around her.
She believes she has words to carry her into the future,
she is wrong, her life is nearly ended and her crime was for naught.
She will never see how just one slip makes you into a monster,
when she looks in the mirror, there is only the noose hanging behind her,
she is lost for eternity, burning in the blast ovens of self who would be
but can never sing, she has no voice that wasn't copied,
some day she will see the words she wrote and look and there is nothing
on the page that belongs to that which is herself and she and her chimera
sink, stinks and she will answer always, why did I steal a life for what I could touch
hear, sing, tantalize, why did I give a body for the use of another
without love, there is only the burnt out husk of where a blind woman
could have stood. And did not.
God made equality is always the better choice, saying I do this for the best
within me and I prevailed. But you chose a frail facsimile of man instead.
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