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China 2007

  • Hike up Telegraph Hill
    Best of the hundreds of pictures we took on our trip to China with the Ohio State Alumni and AHI Tours. Copyright Robert and Sheri Harper


  • Sheri in the Atlantis
    Our October/November trip to Oahu and Kauai islands in Hawaii. Pictures taken with a Nikon digital camera by Bob Harper.

Midwest Critters

  • Cliff Swallow
    These are some of the fine birds and beasts we encountered on our recent trip along the Snake River and to the Dakotas for a family reunion. All photos copyright Robert Harper, were taken on a Nikon Coolpix 5700.

Melakwa Lake Hike

  • Icewater
    These are some pictures taken during our Labor day weekend hike to Melakwa Lake. This hike is one of the many found in the Denny Creek recreation area in the Cascade Mountains of WA state, at the exit off I-90 bearing the name. Follow the signs to Denny Creek road, pass the campground and eventually you get to the Melakwa Lake trailhead. Total trip length 8 miles, approximately 9 hours with 2950 gain. Good stopping points at 1 mile in at slippery rocks and at the second falls about 45 minutes further. Hemlock pass is another 2.5 miles. Once you reach the top, the trail drops 1/2 a mile, 350 feet to the lake.


  • Smushrooms
    These photo's were taken yesterday by my husband, Bob on our day workshop on Mushrooms at the Cedar River Watershed in Washington state. See my blog about this event for more information. I don't know all the names of the mushrooms shown. The photo's were taken with a Nikon. All photo's and text copyright Robert and Sheri Harper.