Exhausted, but my confidence boosted. Who cares if it was worth more than that? I have a red rose on my desk, courtesy of my 8th anniversary (11th as lovers), a list of to-do's, the laundry done, and ready to go. I have notes to enter in summary. Oh, yes, woo hoo, and the news that one of my poems has been published in Wild Violet http://www.wildviolet.net or http://www.wildviolet.net/waking_world/abejos.html for the direct path. It's the second of my poems on Spain, a favorite, and is based on the Greek myth related to Aristaeus, the "Keeper of the Flocks". Also Easter Parade, Granada, 2004 and two other poems I read at the Frye Art Museum, Fire and The Miner on http://www.poetswest.com/selected.htm . This makes it a very good poetry quarter for me, so I'm thinking about putting up the Spain photo's, too.
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